
  商品編號: 26865
  商品名稱: Digital Tutors Advanced Character Rigging in 3ds Max 角色接點傳動教學 英文版
  語系版本: 繁體中文
  運行平台: Windows
  更新日期: 2019-01-02
  光碟片數: 1片
  銷售價格: $200元
Digital Tutors Advanced Character Rigging in 3ds Max 角色接點傳動教學 英文版

HoneRiSO Apps 
軟體名稱: Digital Tutors Advanced Character Rigging in 3ds Max 
語系版本: 英文版 
光碟片數: 單片裝(單面雙層 DVD) 
保護種類: 無保護 
破解說明: 無 
系統支援: 適用所有支援播放 MP4(MPEG-4) 影片的作業系統 
硬體需求: 適用所有支援播放 MP4(MPEG-4) 影片的作業系統 
軟體類型: 角色接點傳動教學 
更新日期: 2013.10.08 
軟體發行: Digital Tutors(k.EISO) 
官方網站: http://www.digitaltutors.com/tutorial/1117-Advanced-Character-Rigging-in-3ds-Max 
中文網站: 無 
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準) 
由 Digital Tutors 教學網站所推出的教學↓ 
Advanced Character Rigging in 3ds Max 
Delano Athias 
Autodesk 3ds Max 2013 
10 小時 4 分鐘 
1. Introduction and project overview 
2. Customizing 3ds Max and a look at the Flexi-Line 
3. Starting on the Flexi-Line 
4. Completing the controls for the Flexi-Line 
5. Setting up advanced twisting control for the Flexi-Line 
6. Finalizing the Flexi-Line twist rig 
7. Adding squash and stretch to the Flexi-Line 
8. Completing the Flexi-Line’s squash and stretch system 
9. Cleaning up the Flexi-Line and creating its envelope objects 
10. Wrapping up our work on the Flexi-Line 
11. Rigging the torso 
12. Creating controls for the torso 
13. The center-of-gravity control 
14. Adding a global control 
15. Connecting a Flexi-Line to the torso 
16. Improving the back control selection 
17. Progress check The torso 
18. Starting on the head rig 
19. Dynamically parenting the head to the chest 
20. Connecting a Flexi-Line to the neck 
21. Finishing the neck Flexi system 
22. Progress check The neck  locking control objects 
23. Creating the leg bones 
24. Adding ankle bones 
25. Building a counter-twist solution for the legs 
26. Bones systems for IK  FK legs 
27. Switching between IK and FK 
28. Rigging the IK legs 
29. Animation controls for the IK legs 
30. Connecting our IK foot rig to the control object 
31. Setting up auxiliary controls to the drive the IK foot rig 
32. Banking control for the feet 
33. Progress check The IK legs 
34. Creating FK leg controls 
35. Connecting the FK leg controls to the FK systems 
36. Finishing our work on the FK legs 
37. Controlling the visibility of our IK and FK controls 
38. Stretchy IK limbs 
39. Creating a switch to turn the stretchy systems for the IK legs on and off 
40. Connecting the stretchy systems to the primary legs 
41. Progress check the stretchy legs 
42. Attaching a Flexi-Line to the left thigh 
43. Setting up the twist behavior for the Flexi-Line connected to the left thigh 
44. Wrapping up our work on the left thigh Flexi-Line 
45. Connecting a Flexi-Line to the left shin 
46. Setting up the twist behavior for the Flexi system connected to the left shin 
47. Completing the left shin Flexi rig 
48. A knee stretch control 
49. Progress check The final leg rig 
50. Creating the arm bones 
51. Creating finger bones 
52. Mirroring the left arm 
53. Adding our counter-twist rig to the left shoulder 
54. A look at the right shoulder counter-twist rig 
55. IK  FK systems for the arms 
56. IK controls for the arms 
57. Creating FK arm controls 
58. Connecting the FK arm controls to the FK systems 
59. Locking the wrists to the IK and FK systems 
60. Updating the counter-twist rig tied to the left shoulder 
61. Updating the right arm counter-twist rig 
62. Stretchy FK arms 
63. Rigging the IK arms to stretchy 
64. Tying the stretchy systems into the primary arms 
65. Controlling the clavicles 
66. Progress check the arms 
67. Connecting a Flexi-Line to the left shoulder 
68. Setting up the twist behavior for the left shoulder Flexi rig 
69. Finishing the twist control for the left shoulder Flexi-Line 
70. Completing the left shoulder’s Flexi rig 
71. Attaching a Flexi system to the left forearm 
72. Setting up the twist behavior for the left forearm’s Flexi rig 
73. Finishing the left forearm’s Flexi-Line 
74. The elbow stretch control 
75. Progress check the final arm rig 
76. Adding finger controls 
77. Wrapping up our finger controls 
78. Creating a squash and stretch head rig 
79. Skinning the character to its control rig